Our 4 Principleshttps://playground.ufoo-consulting.com/wp-content/themes/aerious/assets/images/title-strokes/blue.png

Our mission is to accompany your enterprise's transformation, from its framing to its operational implementation. Flexible but demanding, we use our experience to ensure your projects' success and the effective management of the changes it implies.

Collective Intelligence

Putting people at the heart of our activities and practices, our methods ensure the emergence of the most relevant ideas within short deadlines. We are convinced that performance is achieved through collective participation in the service of a common goal.  At UFO² the strength of collective action is at the heart of the solution


Focused on listening, understanding, and Design Thinking, we co-construct each stage of a project with our clients, from its strategic approach to its delivery. We believe in applying the best market practices tailored to your DNA. Together, we will define your objectives, needs, and expectations, to succeed in creating a powerful strategy for your company.


Decision-driven and operational, agility is part of UFO²’s DNA. Accountability, autonomy, end-user testing, gamification: our Agile approach promotes employee engagement and an enjoyable work environment. We drive your business forward with the implementation of processes, new technological tools, and establish a comprehensive corporate culture. 

Conveying Knowledge

Providing you with added value strengthens our daily relationship. Transmission is a vital principle of UFO² which trains, coaches and supports you in adopting new working methods and tools with your users. Our goal is to bring out the talent of each collaborator. An effective change management starts with a targeted digital skills training.